

It’s late, I’m tired and I am so glad that November is almost over (although….well, that’s for another day).

I don’t have a post for tomorrow yet. This day got WAY away from me. It was all good in various ways, but I had no time to write.(I write these the day before publishing, so this is late Friday night)

SO, just for the sake of posting I am going to share a poem I have been ruminating on.

(I just made myself laugh by using the word ruminating, since the poem is by Rumi…get it? See what I did there? I will title this post that…ah, clever, clever me!)

ANYWAY...I have been thinking and writing and googling and talking and just obsessing about the big questions in this poem:

“What in your life is calling you,
when all the noise is silenced,
the meetings adjourned,
the lists laid aside,
and the wild Iris blooms
by itself
in the dark forest….
what still pulls on your soul?”

~ Rumi

I have written posts about it, but I have a ton of posts that never get published because they are not for publishing….they are for me. I use this as a journal as well as a blog.

I have published around the issues in this poem though. There are big questions in it and I am, and need to be , asking myself these questions.

What in my life IS calling me? What DOES still pull on my soul?

I have a number of answers, and I am grateful for that. Those answers speak to the fact that my life is full, that it has meaning and that I make a difference….all things I have certainly questioned over the years.

But life’s practicalities continue and I need to, what? Get crackin’ on them?

Yeah. I need to get crackin’.

Rumi writes beautifully of the ideas and questions, basic and true, that I am dwelling (obsessing?) on in my head.

I offer the poem to you as a jumping off place for your own “ruminations” (hah!), your own inner work. I hope that’s a good thing. For me it’s been a little confrontational. But I know these are the right questions to be asking myself at this point in my life; I’m certain of that.



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  1. Great! Blessed is a person who’s self aware!

  2. Michele, that poem is a beautiful start to my day, thank you. And I’m already ruminating on it. X

  3. I am going to use this poem to start my yin class Tuesday. It’s perfect.

    I read the book heal your life by Louise hay yesterday. She says to meditate with the thought “what is it that I need to know”. If something comes, good. If not, good, it will come another day.

    I like that thought a lot.


    • I like that thought too. So often I go into meditation with either NO real intention, or a very set one. Nothing wrong with either, but I love this question.
      I am so jealous of your yin class! what a gift!

  4. Rumi is beautiful…thank you Mish!

    Could always close out the 30 days of November with a list of 30 things you’re grateful for. Love em or hate em, those listicles make for convenient posts. 🙂

    You’ve done so good on this challenge!!!

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